Planet Eater
You are an Eatopian from Planet Eat, and your job is to assure your home eats what it needs to eat. Planet Eat can only digest gas-like planets otherwise it can explode. You on the other hand can only eat earth-like planets.
EATOPIAN! you have to eat earth-like planets to protect Planet Eat, while avoiding meteors and gas-like planets.
Use the mouse to click and drag the Eatopians.
This game was created for Beginners Circle Jam #3. The theme was "A Different Planet".
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This a pretty cool game idea, implemented really nicely as well, complete with a functioning tutorial as well!
Only suggestion I have is sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between the hazardoues planets but its just something you have to get used too.
Great work overall though!
Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)
I definitely need to work on my art skills to make the hazardous planets more obvious.
Nice entry! The concept is simple and fun, I like the art, eatopians look nice and funny. I like the fact you can push other eatopians with the one you're moving, but I still feel like an easier way to move several of them would be appreciated.
Overall a pretty good experience ! :D
This gets pretty intense! It's a nice and simple idea, but there are a few things you could do to aid the gameplay:
- The hazardous planets aren't really distinct enough at first, and I found myself moving my Eatopians towards the gas-like planets a lot
- The asteroids are really fast! There isn't much of a warning before one flies into the screen, and their sheer speed makes the window to move Eatopians out of the way is pretty tight because of it
- There are some quirks with Eatopian velocity when they collide together, this could be intentional but I just wanted to point it out
Despite that though you did pretty well with the idea! Good work.